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The Hardcastle & McCormick
Fan Web Site

 A continuation of the former Gulls Way site.

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We are still working on getting the Conversations into presentable form. What we have so far is a work in progress. Please be patient: this is abominably tricky work.

To see the list of Conversation messages for a given date, select the date from the box below, then click the “See List” button. (Clicking the “Clear Form” button will re-set all the selection values to their initial setting.)

(click on the box to select a year)

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(click on the box to select a day)

To read any message listed below, just click on it; the message will open in a new browser tab. There will also be several lines of “headers” (message meta-data) appearing below the actual message text.

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All episodes & posts ©2019 - 2024 by the listed author or authors;
other material ©2019 - 2024 by M. Lynn Walker.

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This page was last modified on Saturday, 16 May 2020, at 8:03 am Pacific Time.