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The Hardcastle & McCormick
Fan Web Site

 A continuation of the former Gulls Way site.

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Guest Book

Entries in Our Guest Book

Total Entries: 7

You can easily add your message to this page. Regrettably, though, in this day and age, because we cannot have this page open to any sort of post, your message will first be emailed to the webmaster and the assistant webmaster for review and approval; on approval by either, one of them will then post it to this page; we are sorry for this foofaraw, but it’s the way we live today.

To add your message to this page, just click here; you will then be taken to the message-entry page and, after you have sent your message, be returned to this page. (Please do not try to use HTML markup in your post.)

Mountainsong: Saturday, 13 Jun 2020, 2:07 pm (EDT)
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada

I love this site! I had been searching for some of the older stories and here they are! I think the site looks great and thanks so much for compiling and putting these stories here. It's also a lovely tribute to the authors.

Aly: Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020, 2:30 pm (EDT)
From: Virginia, USA

Thank you to everyone who worked on putting this site together! Ya'll are amazing!

I think the new H&Mc site looks great. I love the new files section. I also loved the filler quotes you had on the different parts of the website when you first put it up. They cracked me up. Thanks for all the hard work put into it by the group!


Appreciate the kind words. Can you email me at with fics that aren't already here? We're still working on getting things arranged here but would appreciate any fics/photos/files in general that anyone has. Thanks!

tina: Tuesday, 12 May 2020, 12:03 am (EDT)
From: Las Vegas Nv

Thank you so much for this site and a chance to talk to other people who have the same interest. Mark, Mark and Mark.Oh yes, Mark and how he interacts with Hardcastle. I am still looking at the list of fan stories. If I have any that are not posted who should I ask to have them posted? And I hope someone will be able to tell me how to post them. I hate computers and they hate me too! Thanks Tina

Carissa: Monday, 11 May 2020, 5:28 pm (EDT)
From: Midwest

I was hamfan, maybe hamfan326 on the old Yahoo Groups. I'm InitialLuv on Trying out the Guest Book!

Owlcroft: Monday, 17 Feb 2020, 7:00 pm (EDT)
From: Ritzville, WA

This new site should be fully operational fairly soon now.

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All episodes & posts ©2019 - 2024 by the listed author or authors;
other material ©2019 - 2024 by M. Lynn Walker.

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This page was last modified on Saturday, 16 May 2020, at 8:03 am Pacific Time.